Foz Palace

The Palácio Foz is a building of undeniable historical and architectural value that is in dire need of rehabilitation and conservation work on the roof, as well as on the structure of the building, in order to guarantee the preservation, safety and durability of the original, restoring an interpretation that is appropriate to its historical […]

Ludance Theater

Rehabilitation and reconstruction of the former Victoria-Cine, for the operation of an Arts and Shows Centre.

Electric Car Museum

Rehabilitation work for the Electric Car Museum. This historic building in Massarelos faces one of the best views of the Douro River and is classified as a Heritage of Municipal Interest.

Chalet Ribeiro Teles

Rehabilitation work. Built at the end of the century. 19th century, it was the home of the industrialist Manuel José Gomes Marques, cousin of António José Gomes; the asymmetrical construction, due to the tower on one side of the façade, shows a roof influenced by Northern European architecture, with windows of different types standing out […]

Eborense Central Hall

The former Eborense Central Hall is being completely rebuilt from the state of disrepair, with the safeguard of maintaining the original structure, preserving the exterior image. It will be a modern multipurpose equipment, intended for the culture sector.

Palace of D. Manuel

Rehabilitation of Palácio D. Manuel, maintaining its functional versatility through the enhancement and improvement of existing materials and elements.

Convent of Jesus – Setúbal

The rehabilitation project for the National Monument included work to harmonise stability, conservation and restoration of the integrated and architectural heritage. All the work carried out intrinsically respected the nature of good practice in art and the materials used, and was the result of correct and lasting preservation.

Portalegre Cathedral

The intervention in this Cathedral, which has been a National Monument since 1910, has always sought to enhance the existing heritage by restoring the building and creating appropriate infrastructure. During the refurbishment, key concepts such as reversibility, sustainability, versatility and simplicity were respected, while respecting the heritage. The main aim of this rehabilitation project was […]

Campolide street

Intervention in scattered buildings at Rua de Campolide nº 292 to 302.