Signing of the Consignment Note for the Carcavelos Housing Complex

The signing of the contract for the Carcavelos Housing Complex took place yesterday in the Salão Nobre of the Paços do Concelho between TPS and Cascais Town Council. During the ceremony, Carlos Carreira (Mayor of Cascais) said that ‘it’s a very well realised project, it has a particularity because it will be in an extraordinary location, very pleasant and serene’, which reveals the importance of this project for the population of this municipality.

It should be remembered that this project will provide 52 individual dwellings (typologies T1, T2, T3 and T4) spread over three floors, with only one dwelling on the ground floor. This construction will be characterised by a strong horizontality, marked by continuous balconies that are repeated between floors, projecting a maximum of 1.60 metres from the façade.