Laying of the 1st Stone of the Quinta do Ferro Housing Complex

The groundbreaking of the Quinta do Ferro Housing Complex took place last Saturday in Rua da Verónica, Lisbon, and was attended by the Mayor of Lisbon, Carlos Moedas, and his Councillor Filipa Roseta.

The housing project, with an intervention area of 2,366.85 square metres, provides for a four-storey building that will offer 31 flats. It stands out for its remarkable integration into the urban context, through the interpretation of the patio as a community courtyard and the use of an elegant volumetric partition that allows for the occasional widening of Rua da Verónica.

The redevelopment of Quinta do Ferro is part of a wider urban regeneration plan promoted by Lisbon City Council, which aims to revitalise various areas of the city, providing better living conditions for its inhabitants.